Setup Your Wallet

You will need a wallet that can connect to the FTM network to participate. We recommend using Dark Knight with a MetaMask wallet.

How to Use MetaMask with Fantom Network

Other Supported Wallets

Dark Knight also supports most popular wallets available on Fantom Opera Chain, including:

TrustWallet, MathWallet, TokenPocket, WalletConnect

Written Instructions For Setting Up FTM

1. Click on the icon in the top right

2. Click on "Settings"

3. Click on "Networks"

3. Click on "Add Network"

4. Input the following information and click "Save"

Network Name: Fantom Opera


Chain ID: 250

Currency Symbol: FTM

Block Explorer URL:

5. You are now connected and can switch between networks by clicking on the Networks Tab in MetaMask.

Last updated