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Last updated
Check out some of these links if you need some support or have questions.
Check out Merlin's Library for tutorials on how to use the KnightSwap platform.
If you're experiencing issues when using KnightSwap's features, try these troubleshooting steps before raising a help desk ticket in our discord:
Refresh the page then wait for 30 secs (especially if you see NaN on the page). Sometimes this will clear up the issue. Usually, after refreshing once or twice, the UI displays properly.
Clear your browser's cache
Restart your device
Try another Mainnet RPC (
Check to see if this question has been answered through our FAQS & Troubleshooting page.
If you’re still experiencing issues after trying the solutions above and have used the FAQ without success, reach out to our team using the help desk support ticket system in our Discord server.
Using the support ticket system is the safest way to get support as it's a direct line to the team. Once you raise a ticket, please give the team some time to get to your request. During high volume periods, it may take up to 24 hours for a response.
Our team members and admins will NEVER DM you first!
Never, under any circumstances, give someone your private key/seed phrase/recovery key!
Be aware that our team will NEVER contact you asking for personal information or for funds.