🪄How To Single Stake In Raids

Once you have your $KNIGHT tokens navigate to the "Raids" section. Be sure that your wallet is connected on the top Right.

If it is your first time staking in a particular pool you will have to click the "Approve Knight" button

There are 3 buttons for you to be aware of for partner raids

Harvest- Collect your partner tokens that you have earned. In this case it would be $DEP

"+" This is how you add your $KNIGHT tokens into the partner pools

Unstake Knight-This is how you remove your $KNIGHT tokens from the pool

There are 4 buttons for you to be aware of for the Knight for Knight Pool

Harvest- Collect your partner tokens that you have earned. In this case it would be $KNIGHT

Compound- Found on the $KNIGHT pool this allows you to add the earned $KNIGHT (in this case 322.910) into the total number of $KNIGHT you have staked. This allows you to save a button click each time & gas fees of harvesting then adding it back in.

"+" This is how you add your $KNIGHT tokens into the partner pools

Unstake Knight-This is how you remove your $KNIGHT tokens from the pool

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