What We Have To Offer

At KnightSwap we aim to provide a synergistic ecosystem that helps investors build wealth acceleration tools to maximize upside while limiting mistakes.

Enjoy the highest liquidity trades with the lowest fees

KnightSwap is a Decentralized Exchange (DEX). Users are able to instantly swap tokens without registration or an account. All you need to get started is to connect your wallet.

Start trading now:

Provide Liquidity --> Earn Trading Fees

The way that investors can safely trade in a DEX is through the liquidity of other investors.

Why would someone want to provide liquidity?

You can earn fees from trading volume when you provide a Liquidity Pair (LP) on our exchange. By providing liquidity, you're given LP tokens. You can then use those LP tokens and stake them in our yield farms (provided that the project has a farm with KnightSwap).

Learn how to get started here

🪄How To Add Liquidity

Stake LP tokens -->Earn $KNIGHT

By staking your LP tokens in a yield farm, you earn $KNIGHT tokens in addition to any trading fees you collect from the trading volume of the Liquidity Pair. Certain projects will have established a partnership with KnightSwap and will have access to farms that will generate our token $KNIGHT. These $KNIGHT tokens can then be used to stake for more $KNIGHT or other partner tokens, which provides you another source of earning assets.

Learn how to get started here

🪄How To Yield Farm

Stake $KNIGHT --> Earn Partner Tokens

Another feature of having $KNIGHT tokens is that you can single stake them into our partners' RAID POOLS to earn their token. Your $KNIGHT tokens are powerful because they can earn you more assets. Explore our ecosystem & partner projects and put your hard earned $KNIGHT tokens to work. We are constantly bringing on new partnerships so check back often for new opportunities.

Learn how to get started here

🪄How To Single Stake In Raids

Tired of clicking buttons? Place your yield earning on autopilot

This is where we store our Auto-compounders. Auto-compounders do the work for you via smart contracts. This means that you can essentially stake a token or LP token and let the smart contract accumulate more assets for you on autopilot.

At the heart of the KNIGHT ecosystem is the WIZARD platform.

Magical things happen here, one of them being the Initial Wizard Offerings (IWO). This is where investors can gain early exposure to new projects. In the world of DeFi investing, being early sometimes has its benefits so be sure to check back often.

🧙‍♂️Initial Wizard Offering (IWO)

We take security and the safety of your investment here very seriously at KNIGHT

Security Audits can be found here


Last updated